Real Estate Agent Photos

You know the saying, “a picture is worth a thousand words.”  The original author must have been talking about real estate.  Photos can play a significant role in whether a home just sits on the market or draws hordes of buyers to come by and take a look.  

The same is true of your personal real estate agent photo.  If it looks like an amateur took it, it sends the wrong message to prospective clients.  Are they dealing with an amateur or a pro?

Take look at the image of the agent below:  

I've never met Matt, but he doesn't look like a rookie agent to me.  And even though he could be, that's not the point.  The impression I get from his real estate agent photo is that he's a professional. 

Why Your Agent Photo Matters

You get just one chance to make a good first impression.  One.

In How to Write a Professional Bio that Stands Out, I discussed the importance of creating a good first impression.  Prospective clients are making snap judgments about us based on the information we provide them.  Act professional, provide professional advice, and look professional, and chances are good they'll think of you like a professional. 

In today's online world, we often times won't come face-to-face with prospective clients until after they see our agent photo and read our bio.  These two things can be the difference between getting an appointment with a prospective client or them calling our competition.  My guess is, Matt (above) wins a lot of those battles.

Another reason why you'll want a professional agent photo is that you'll place it on virtually every marketing piece you do (business cards, website, emails, etc.).  It's a big part of your overall brand.  Make sure it reflects who you want to be known as. 

So while you might be tempted to have a friend take a photo on their smart-phone, it won’t be nearly as good as a professional one.  Ninety-nine out of 100 people can tell a professional photo from one that’s been snapped on a smart-phone (do you think Matt's photo was taken on a smartphone?)  

The point is, splurge here and get the real thing.  You’ll look like a real estate pro from here on out.  The cost will vary, but you should be able to find a professional who will take a headshot for $100 or so.   It's the best $100 in marketing you'll ever spend.

Have some fun with your real estate agent photos.  It's not every day you get to have a professional photo shoot.  Below is a snapshot of mine.

Here’s to your success.

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