How Much Are Brokerage Fees Really Costing You?

Many real estate struggle to earning a consistent living in real estate.  One month agents have 2-3 homes in escrow and the next they don't have any.  This financial rollercoaster ride can wreak havoc on any budget and pile on loads of career stress.

In this article, I'll show you how to squeeze every penny from your commission check so you can increase your income, stop worrying about money, and start saving for retirement -- without selling any more homes.

Sound too good to be true?  

How Brokerage Fees
Threaten Your Income

When it comes to protecting your money, we typically only think about safeguarding our bank account from criminals who want to steal your money.  But many agents aren't aware of another threat, destructive brokerage fees, that threaten to steal your financial security.

It's easy to overlook brokerage fees. But a fee here and a charge there adds up. In fact, according to statistics from the National Association of Realtor, the typical agent loses $16,750 in lost income to commission splits and brokerage fees every year.

You're not just losing $16,750 every year though, but over the course of your entire career. Brokerage fees keep adding up, year-after-year. Left unchecked, they can rob you $335,000 of your money without you even realizing it.

If you're not careful and don't protect your money, you can be headed for financial disaster with no way to recover.  Fortunately, there's an easier way to build wealth and save for your retirement than selling dozens of more homes each year. In fact, it's very easy.  Here's how you can start growing your wealth in two simple steps:  

Step 1.  Eliminate your brokerage fees.  Ask your broker for a pay raise to 100%, or if he or she won't budge, join a 100% brokerage.  There's absolutely no reason why you should be throwing away your hard earned money when you don't have to.  

Step 2.  When you sell a home, take the money you typically paid as your commission split (10%, 20%, 30%, or whatever your commission split is) and now put it into an investment account.  Below is an example of how quickly your money can grow:

Protect Your Money & Financial Future

Imagine having a nest egg to spend in retirement.  And without having to sell more homes each year.  That's the power of 100% commission.

But you have to protect your money first.

How much of your money goes into someone else's pocket every year?  How much income have you already lost over your career?  How much wealth retirement income are you missing out on?  How many clients are choosing other agents because you can't afford to market your services?  

Brokerage fees are costing you a great deal.

No one should have to work forever.  You shouldn't either.  Ask your broker to eliminate their brokerage fees or join a 100% commission real estate brokerage today so you can eliminate your costly brokerage fees, live better now, and enjoy the life you always dreamed of during retirement.

Here's to your success,

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